
This literature list covers most of the literature that has been used in the course over the years.


Paul Dourish. Where the action is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction. MIT press 2001.

Gordon Cullen. Concise townscape. Routledge, 1995.

Daniel Fällman. In romance with the materials of mobile interaction. Ph.D. Thesis. 2003

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Phenomenology of Perception. Translated by Donald Landes. Routledge (June 12, 2013)

Verbeek, P.-P. 2005. What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, and Design. Pennsylvania. State University Press


Ada, the Intelligent room. In Bullivant, Lucy. 4dspace: interactive architecture (Architectural Design). John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

Allen‐Collinson, Jacquelyn. “Sporting embodiment: sports studies and the (continuing) promise of phenomenology.” Qualitative research in sport and exercise 1.3 (2009): 279-296.

Back, J., Heeffer, C., Paget, S., Rau, A., Sallnäs Pysander, E. L., & Waern, A. (2016, June). Designing for Children’s Outdoor Play. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (pp. 28-38). ACM.

Back, J., Paget, S., Sallnäs Pysander, E. L., & Waern, A. (2018) Playing close to home. Proc. CHI’18, Montreal, Canada

Ballendat, Till, Nicolai Marquardt, and Saul Greenberg. “Proxemic interaction: designing for a proximity and orientation-aware environment.” ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. ACM, 2010.

Chalmers, Matthew, Ian MacColl, and Marek Bell. “Seamful design: Showing the seams in wearable computing.” Eurowearable, 2003. IEE. IET, 2003.

D-Tower, Nox. In Bullivant, Lucy. 4dspace: interactive architecture (Architectural Design). John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

Hassenzahl, Marc. “Experience design: Technology for all the right reasons.” Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics 3.1 (2010): 1-95.

Davoli, Lorenzo, and Johan Redström. “Materializing infrastructures for participatory hacking.” Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems. ACM, 2014.

Desmet, Pieter, and Marc Hassenzahl. “Towards happiness: Possibility-driven design.” Human-computer interaction: The agency perspective. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 3-27.

Dourish, Paul. “Re-space-ing place: place and space ten years on.” Proceedings of the 2006 20th anniversary conference on Computer supported cooperative work. ACM, 2006.

W. Gaver, Designing for homo ludens. I3 Magazine, vol. 12, pp. 226, June 2002, and W. W. Gaver, Designing for homo ludens, still.

Hornecker, Eva, and Jacob Buur. “Getting a grip on tangible interaction: a framework on physical space and social interaction.” Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems. ACM, 2006.

Kouprie, Merlijn, and Froukje Sleeswijk Visser. A framework for empathy in design: stepping into and out of the user’s life. Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 20, No. 5. (2009), pp. 437-448, doi:10.1080/09544820902875033.

Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Baptiste Caramiaux, Marcos Serrano, and Frédéric Bevilacqua. 2012. Movement qualities as interaction modality. In Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 761-769.

Forlizzi, J., Ford, S. The Building Blocks of Experience: An Early Framework for Interaction Designers. DIS 2000 Conference Proceedings, ACM (2000) 419-423.

Herrington, Susan, and Ken Studtmann. “Landscape interventions: new directions for the design of children’s outdoor play environments.” Landscape and urban planning 42.2 (1998): 191-205.

Kristina Höök. 2010. Transferring qualities from horseback riding to design. In Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries (NordiCHI ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 226-235.

Lian Loke, Astrid T. Larssen, Toni Robertson, and Jenny Edwards. 2007. Understanding movement for interaction design: frameworks and approaches. Personal Ubiquitous Computing 11, 8 (December 2007), 691-701. DOI=10.1007/s00779-006-0132-1

Media House Project. In Bullivant, Lucy. 4dspace: interactive architecture (Architectural Design). John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

Robles, Erica, and Mikael Wiberg. “Texturing the material turn in interaction design.” Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. ACM, 2010.

Márquez Segura, E., Waern, A., Moen, J., and Johansson, C. The design space of body games: Technological, physical, and social design. Proceedings of CHI’2012, Austin, Texas. 2012. ACM, 3365-3374.

Márquez Segura, Elena, et al. “Embodied sketching.” Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2016.

Márquez Segura, Elena, Laia Turmo Vidal, and Asreen Rostami. “Bodystorming for movement-based interaction design.” Human Technology 12 (2016).

Murer, M., Jacobsson, M., Skillgate, S., & Sundström, P. (2014, April). Taking things apart: reaching common ground and shared material understanding. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 469-472). ACM.

Kenton O’hara, Richard Harper, Helena Mentis, Abigail Sellen, and Alex Taylor. 2013. On the Naturalness of Touchless: Putting the “Interaction” Back into NUI. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 20, 1: 5:1–5:25.

Kees C.J. Overbeeke and Stephan S.A.G. Wensveen. 2003. From perception to experience, from affordances to irresistibles. In Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Designing pleasurable products and interfaces (DPPI ’03). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 92-97.

Shusterman, Richard (2013): Somaesthetics. In: Soegaard, Mads and Dam, Rikke Friis (eds.). “The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed.”. Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction Design Foundation. Available online at

Soegaard, Mads and Dam, Rikke Friis (eds.). “The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Ed.”. Aarhus, Denmark: The Interaction Design Foundation.

Sturm, Janienke, et al. “Key issues for the successful design of an intelligent, interactive playground.” Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Interaction design and children. ACM, 2008.

Sundström, P., Taylor, A., Grufberg, K., Wirström, N., Solsona Belenguer, J., & Lundén, M. (2011, May). Inspirational bits: towards a shared understanding of the digital material. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1561-1570). ACM.

Kirkby, M. “Nature as refuge in children’s environments.” Children’s Environments Quarterly 6.1 (1989): 7-12.

Seitinger, Susanne. “An ecological approach to children’s playground props.” Proceedings of the 2006 conference on Interaction design and children. ACM, 2006.

Susanne Seitinger: Animated Props for Responsive Playspaces. Master thesis, MIT.

Svanæs, Dag. “Interaction design for and with the lived body: Some implications of merleau-ponty’s phenomenology.” ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 20.1 (2013): 8.




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